This credential is reserved for members in good standing who meet qualifications as outlined in the “Qualifications for Certification” section outlined herein. The role of a CAS is unique, requiring a wide variety of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Acquired through education, training and experience.
The focus of the CAS certification program is to set the standard for personnel that meet the requisite level of knowledge, skills, and competencies necessary to understand and combat the threat of global terrorism, as set forth by ATAB and the International Society of Anti-terrorism Professionals.
If you desire recognition as an elite professional with skills and expertise to plan, prepare, and react to the terrorist threat, then the Certified Anti-terrorism Specialist (CAS) program may be right for you. The ATAB Emergency Response Manual and Reference Library is a highly recommended, but not required, self-study resource available to help prepare you for the certification examination. Qualified candidates successfully achieving a score of 80 or higher on the certification examination are awarded the CAS credential.
ATAB CAS Curriculum
53 steps
Terrorism in Perspective
Incidents & Indicators
Self Protection in a Hot Zone
Scene Control
Notification and Coordination
Hostage/Crisis Negotiations
Cyber Terrorism Deployment
Terrorism Response Plan
IT Security while Traveling
How Terrorist Choose their Victims
Emergency Response to Terrorism (Ops)
Emergency Response to Terrorism (CBRNE)
Preserving Evidence at a Terrorist Incident
Being Held Hostage and Surviving
Stress Management After the Incident
Agra terrorism
Sea Port Security
Aviation Security
Computer Forensics in Corp Investigations
Energy Facilities: Protecting them from Terrorism
Responding to a Cyber Attack
Securing a High Risk Facility
Managing a Protective Detail
Establishing a Computer Forensics' Program
Healthcare Readiness for CBRNE Terrorist Events
Road side Bombs and Vehicle Born IED's
Wi-Fi in combating Terrorism and Crime
Disaster in the Data Center
EP Principals
Managing a TSCM Detail
Al Qaeda Training Tactics
Islamic Background Information
Islamic Extremist
Understanding Jihad
Mindset and Methods of Terrorist
Jihad Recruiting & the al Qaeda Network
Combating 21st Century Terrorism
Suspicious Activities
Counter Surveillance
Travel Safety
Workplace Violence
Ebola Avoiding the Virus
FATCA Compliance
School Shootings Active Shooter
Rape on Campus
Preparing for an Earthquake
School Security and Acts of Terrorism
School Crisis Management
Islamic Extremist
Victim Proofing
Advanced Victim Proofing
Syria, Turkey and Iraq
Planning for a Pandemic